Thursday, August 5, 2010

Live Let Live...

heyy guyz!!!!! let me say something...which is different fom our it happenend that i went to an eye clinic....hmmm.. as a part of their treatment process.. they had given us eye drops and said not to open eyes for a half an hour...hmm evrything was black.. obviously!!!!!  it was really damm boring for me  i could hear  noices aroun.. music going on but i cant see it ... such a horrible situation ,,, then it came to my mind what about the blind!!!! it is really unimaginable...!!!! they face a life long punishment... they hear, feel but can  not see!1 i was desperate to open my eyess... and couldnt close them for half an hour...but  in case of them...oh!!! they miss this beauty created by god the nature,, they couldnt see their loved ones... so frnz.. let us donate our eyes after death...let us give an  oppurtunity to our fellow beings to see the beautiful world created by god!!!!!hey frnz..LET US LIVE EVEN AFTER OUR DEATH,,,!!!!this is the essence of life..after all ours is the most gifted human life..

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